Gosh I cannot believe that it has been 6 days since my last post. I write to say three things. Firstly to apologise for not having been out capturing smiles. I have been completely wrapped up in preparations for Christmas. To be honest, Allie has done the vast majority but the Christmas Cards that I wanted to write and the presents I wanted to wrap has been all consuming taking me far longer than I had hoped. I couldn’t even be trusted to wrap the presents without cutting my thumb on the Sellotape dispenser, or to put the right cards in the right envelopes whenever the fog rolled in. However, with Allie’s help, 6 days later I am ready.

Secondly, I wanted to say a big Thank you to the Acting Out Drama School here in Edinburgh for raising £60 for the Disasters Emergency Committee from their Advanced Acting Students Showpiece. Thank you to all who signed up to view. I very much hope you enjoyed their most excellent show.
Thirdly I wanted to send you my Christmas smile and wish you all a most excellent Christmas and Hogmanay despite the frictions. With the shortest day behind us the nights will start to shorten little by little, bringing greater light to each day, and greater hope for a year in which we start to emerge from the shadow of COVID.
I am going to take a wee break over the Christmas Season but will keep eating and exercising and brain training in such a way as to beat the beast. I will be back looking for smiles in the New Year.

May you receive every possible blessing for 2021. Keep safe. Keep being brilliant and keeeeeeep smiling
Yours aye,