Well I had never expected that. Just 1 hour after writing my last post bemoaning my inability to get even unpaid/low paid work as an actor, almost as an answer to prayer, as I was wrapping up for bed, I received the following email message through an Actor’s website, ‘Mandy’ “Thank you for your self-tape. Would you be able to come in for a recording tomorrow at 6:30pm at 160 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QA?”
I was set. Brilliant Allie not only agreed that I should go but went and put together my travel plan and bought my train tickets while I replied absolutely, yes please, and started to decipher what it was I was to wear and where I was to sleep the night after before coming home again.
I travelled down and had a wonderful evening filming for what turned out to be a short film based on a modern take of the biblical Moses story. The film is being entered into a competition to secure significant funding for a larger connected project. Certainly, this short unpaid/lowpaid job that covered the cost of my train ticket will provide great material for my showreel and if the production company secure the funding for the larger project, they know where to find me. God willing momentum will start to build in the right direction to secure me a new career as an Actor for film and TV.
The good news is that I have managed to sustain a long 5 hour journey straight into two hours of filming and a late night into a fun morning with my Godson, his siblings and some of my best friends Polly and Will including a walk in bright morning sunshine on the school run before a tube journey and another long 4 hour journey home, without a neurological seizure. In fact I actually feel quite good. A little fuzzy and tired but actually quite good. I keep getting stronger, little by little, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.

Statistically I am far more likely to succumb to my brain tumour than forge a new career as an actor. But then statistically speaking I am not supposed to be here anymore. I have beaten two prognoses and am now going to try to do something with this new life I have been blessed with.
Please challenge me with your sponsorship to succeed as an actor, while trying, through my balanced daily lifestyle, to prevent my brain tumour from returning as predicted. I guarantee that every penny raised goes to save lives through the Disasters Emergency Committee.
Thank you
Yours aye