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Fundraising for the DEC

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) brings 14 leading UK aid charities together in times of crisis. They launch appeals to raise money to help those impacted by disaster, making sure that funds reach those that need them most.

The DEC responds to disasters in the world’s poorest countries, using a set of criteria to help them decide when they should launch an appeal and how they can be most effective. The DEC consists of member agencies who are experts in humanitarian aid, delivering the efficient disaster responses which donors expect and those affected by disasters need.

The DEC’s priority is delivering aid and support to those that need it, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Decisions about how they allocate donated money to each of their members when a disaster strikes are taken in advance, based on each member’s ability to deliver aid where it is needed. The DEC makes certain that how they spend donated money is ensuring that communities receive the urgent humanitarian aid required, when required, while also providing long term support to rebuild their lives after a disaster.

The DEC’s high standards begin with their membership, for which they have a strict set of criteria to make sure that the DEC is made up of the UK’s leading aid agencies.

In coordinating the emergency response of 14 leading UK aid charities and funding their activity in direct support to the relief of suffering of people caught up in disaster, since their launch in 1963, they have run 70 appeals raising £1.5 billion and saving millions of people.

The DEC is truly worthy and truly representative of the very best the UK has to offer by working with:

1. Action Aid. ActionAid is an international charity working in over 45 countries. They work with the poorest women and girls in the world, changing their lives for good. When a disaster strikes, Action Aid’s local staff work round the clock delivering life-saving supplies to the worst hit communities. They seek to put local women in charge, advising what their communities need, and overseeing the distribution of aid to the most vulnerable, to ensure fairness and transparency. They ensure that people get the life-saving aid that is their right. In the long term, Action Aid work to rebuild communities, and strengthen their resilience. ActionAid trains women in leadership skills and disaster preparedness so that they are better equipped to lead their communities — in times of crisis and beyond.

2. Age International. 26 million older people are affected by natural disasters every year. Age International delivers age-friendly emergency aid to older people caught in disasters

3. British Red Cross. The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. They respond to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies. They help vulnerable people prepare for, withstand and recover from emergencies in their own communities.

4. CAFOD. The Catholic Agency For Overseas Development are an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. They stand beside people living in poverty – whatever their religion or culture. In an emergency CAFOD act fast, providing food, water and shelter for people who have lost everything. And they’re there in the months and years that follow too, helping people rebuild their lives and prepare for whatever the future holds.

5. Care international. Care International work in 79 developing countries, saving lives in emergencies and finding long-term solutions to poverty for millions of people every year. They empower women and girls to fulfil their potential – because when one woman is helped out of poverty, she brings her family and community with her.

6. Christian Aid. Christian Aid have more than 70 years’ experience of working in partnership to support communities to thrive. They tackle the root causes of poverty so that women, men and children the world over are strengthened against future knocks. And if disasters happen, Christian Aid get people the help they want straight away.

7. Concern Worldwide. The places where Concern work are often at greater risk from disasters, both natural and manmade. In an emergency, Concern acts quickly to save lives. Then they stay to work with communities, rebuilding lives and livelihoods to ensure people are better prepared for future crises.

8. Islamic Relief. Islamic Relief aims to be on the ground when an emergency strikes, providing emergency relief and helping those affected immediately. When floods, droughts or earthquakes happen, they want to be there: providing life-saving food, water, shelter, medicine and toiletries to families who have lost everything. They not only save lives, they rebuild them – Islamic Relief remain behind even after the situation has calmed, helping families put their homes and lives back together.

9. Oxfam. When disaster strikes Oxfam’s priority is to start saving lives, then to help people come back stronger. Oxfam make sure people can get clean water to drink and decent sanitation. They provide help for people to get food and the essentials they need to survive and ensure the most vulnerable are kept safe from harm. Oxfam support people in being better prepared to cope with shocks and uncertainties and they help rebuild communities to come back stronger from disaster and to face the future on their own terms.

10. Plan International UK. Plan International provide access to essential services, including education, healthcare, clean water and toilets for children and their communities. Plan International are also there when disasters happen to provide emergency relief and, support communities to recover, rebuild and develop their resilience.

11. Save The Children. When a disaster strikes, Save The Children act fast to save children’s lives. In the toughest circumstances and in forgotten corners of the world, Save The Children has saved thousands of lives. When an emergency strikes, children are likely to be hardest hit so Save The Children send life-saving food, shelter and medicines straight to where they are most urgently needed.

12. Tearfund. Tearfund is a Christian Charity called to wherever the need is greatest. Of all the people killed by disasters around the world, 69.9 per cent of them are living in poor countries. If you’re poor, disasters can destroy the little that people have, making a hard life even harder. Without the usual safety nets of savings or insurance, people can be left with nothing, having to rebuild their lives from scratch. Tearfund have over forty years’ experience of responding to the emergency of disasters: floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, and the misery caused by slow-onset disasters such as food crises or conflict. Tearfund operate in a range of ways to prevent and respond to the suffering that a major disaster can cause, doing everything they can to make sure the people most vulnerable to disasters will be impacted as little as possible.

13. World Vision. Wars and natural disasters are terrifying and traumatic experiences for children. World Vision are one of the organisations that responds to humanitarian emergencies bringing essential life-saving support but also, and just as importantly, ensuring children feel safe and protected.

14. Action Against Hunger. For almost forty years, across nearly 50 countries, Action Against Hunger have led the global fight against hunger. They save the lives of children and work with their communities before and after the disaster strikes. Action Against Hunger enables people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong and build prosperous communities. Action against hunger constantly search for more effective solutions, while sharing their knowledge and expertise with the world. They push for long-term change. They will never give up until the world is free from hunger. From catastrophic natural disasters, to conflict, to spikes in malnutrition rates brought on by drought and floods, Action Against Hunger respond to humanitarian emergencies all over the world, delivering immediate lifesaving services to families in distress.

There are One Billion five hundred Million people whose very lives are at risk from Climate change related natural disaster.

There are 65 Million active current accounts here in the UK. If I can convince just 1% of those account holders to sponsor me for just £1 per month, then I can raise £650,000 a month for the Disasters Emergency Committee for as long as ever I can.

Please challenge me to beat my beast of neurological dysfunction and to prevent my brain tumour from ever coming back and if it does to beat it back again, with just £1 per month for the Disasters Emergency Committee. All the details on how to sponsor me can be found here on the website at

The Beat the Beast Challenge is self-funding through my own contribution while keeping costs to a minimum with voluntary support and corporate sponsorship in kind. Therefore the entirety of every penny donated goes to the Disasters Emergency Committee.

Please sponsor me by completing a standing order form either through your own personal internet banking or by completing the standing order form found here and posting it to your bank at the address found in your cheque book.

The Beat the Beast Challenge Account details needed for the standing order form are as follows:

Payee Name: Beat The Beast Challenge

Account Number: 03278786

Sort Code: 20-63-25

And if making payments from outside the United Kingdom:

IBAN GB38RBOS83241815978839


Bank address:

Royal Bank of Scotland
Edinburgh Leith Branch
2 Bernard Street

Payee Reference: Your name, Yes (If you are happy for me to list you on the website as a sponsor without revealing the amount that you sponsor. Should you not wish me to do so please write No after your name)

e.g. Archie Douglas, Yes (If happy to be listed as a sponsor on the website without sponsorship amount being revealed)


e.g. Archie Douglas, No (If not happy to be listed as a sponsor on the website)

All I ask you to sponsor me for is just £1 per month but if you would like to sponsor me for more then do please do so. I would of course be delighted to receive more, but all I ask is just £1 per month, so please do not feel under any pressure to sponsor me for anymore.

Thank you

Yours aye
