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B&Q How do I fit it all in!

Today has seen another 5.7 miles walked while climbing 263.6 feet while ordering a bathroom and loo and enjoying the snow. The path to Springkerse I was back into B&Q in the Springkerse industrial estate in Stirling today in order to meet with Scott to design and...

Windy Day with a Teamwork Realisation

Today has seen very little walking and only a very short swim, but loads and loads of work done on top of a most wonderful realisation. The Gale force winds today kept most activity firmly locked inside so morning prayer was done in my bedroom on the keyboard. I was...

Run Memorised Route – A Good Day

With 4 miles walked climbing 267.39 feet and 2.29 miles run climbing 146 feet completed along with loads and loads of admin done it has been a really, really good day. Morning prayer and organ practice went really well with no miscommunication between brain and hand....

Admin Day – Hands back to front on the Organ

Today has been a day of eternal waiting but also saw two sessions of morning prayer and organ practice, 3 miles walked, a cross training circuit completed and some wonderful connections made with exciting possibilities. The B&Q kitchen arrived (or most of it) last...