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New Routine Deliverable

In the face of recent frustrations and the building tiredness I realised that I needed to be gentler with myself and settle on a routine that would see me focus on all the key ingredients I need to help me Beat the Beast while providing activity metres against which...

Charity Outburst Apology

This weekend has seen me eat some humble pie in the face of total and utter silence. There have been one or two messages of support and understanding but otherwise total and utter silence since Friday’s post. So this post is an apology. I was disappointed on Friday...

Day 136 – A Swim on the Queens Birthday

Day 136 has seen 2 miles walked, 320 metres swum, a doctor visited, Organ tunes performed, tea cooked, children cuddled and a Queen’s Birthday. As I sat and ate breakfast this morning, having collected another bag of litter from around the village, I listened to Radio...