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Day 69 has seen 5 miles walked, a selfie, 2.2 miles ran, a mud fight, a library loved and another surprise donation.

A 2 mile walk this morning but despite a good solid sleep of 6 hours I was still feeling a little off balance and sluggish mentally so took the litter pickers and a rubbish bag and went up the Argaty back road picking up rubbish to force the brain to fulfil the balance function and wake up! It was a pleasant morning so I toyed still further with the idea of taking the children on a small challenge but they had a rare day off due to a teacher training day and I felt that they needed an easier day to recuperate after all their hard work on their shows and pantomimes and sports and school. Then it started to drizzle. Decision made. I would leave them in bed until mid morning then look at going on a 2.2 miles run together for some fresh air. It would also give me some time to try and catch up with my emails and intray.

Just as I managed to send the cheque for the money raised at the fundraising tea to Kingdom Bank Laura and Siobhan arrived and were full of beans. They got to work quickly so I tackled some emails while the children managed to get up and have some breakfast. The children were surprisingly receptive to a run with me. It was something we used to do a lot when they were at Primary School and wanted to be in the cross country team but haven’t done for some time. James went out to play for a bit then before I knew it, it was selfie time. Siobhan and Laura were finished and ready to go so we had a selfie and then I discovered that one of them hadn’t been up the Dumyat and I sensed a little nervousness about going up. Guess what we are doing in two weeks!!

After the Mud Run
After the Mud Run

Soon enough it was time for a run. James was back and ready. Heather was ready, then nearly ready, then ready and Georgie was wagging her tail. It was enormous fun because both children were in such playful but running moods as they skipped along throwing wet autumn leaves at each other. I realised that this was going to be a muddy run so asked if we could take a picture of our legs when we had finished. That was it. This run was now a mudathon and an excuse for all 3 of us to jump in and out of the mud, stamping in to the mud, and high kicking to see who could get the most muddy on the way. I was really impressed with the energy and enthusiasm of the children and certainly they ran much better than they used to. Far more naturally. A question though fell out of the run. When you look at the photo of our legs post run ask yourself: how is it that a young girl of 14 who ran alongside her brother and father stamping through the mud but also jumped in and out of the mud herself with equal glee and giggling, could return home with almost immaculately clean legs. James’ theory was that her legs were so thin that the mud simply missed. My theory is that Little boys are made of snips and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails, where as little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice so clearly mud just won’t stick to girls!! We warmed down with 3 pull ups each and 13 press ups and sit ups each before a good stretch. Again I was impressed by the children’s strength to weight ratio but when Heather suggested to James that they did some ballet stretches it was clearly the obvious time to jump in the shower. As I came down to prepare lunch it was such a delight to hear them both giggling away in the sitting room as they tortured each other with different stretches. It was a lovely late morning and was time for me to prepare lunch.

No prizes for guessing what was for lunch. Poached eggs on toast served with spinach, rocket and watercress salad coupled with a plate of carrots, broccoli a tomato and red grapes. A humus dip was also used. The children ate the whole lot without any fuss so instead laughed about some of the funny things and character traits each other had as younger children. So overall a pleasant time was had with just some mud, autumn leaves, vegetables and crucially in the frantic life the children lead, time to enjoy it.

There had been a suggestion made by a friend from Doune on the bus that there should be a hard copy of all my posts in the library for all the villagers who do not have access to the computer or facebook to read. I thought it was a brilliant idea and would in fact encourage people to get a tea or coffee, stop, sit down and relax for a little quality time immersed in the story of the journey the challenge has taken me on. So I popped down to the library to chat to Alison the librarian about it. On the way I thought I would treat myself to a final ice cream as it had been such a good day so far and so, with ice cream half eaten in hand I walked in to the love your library open day, with banners and biscuits and suddenly a group photo!! It was a real giggle and so nice to see everyone who was there and pleased to see me. I mentioned the idea of the hard copy of the challenge posts to Alison who thought it was great so I will piece that one together over the next few weeks. Then I was about to leave when another lady from the village came up to me and stuffed a donation in to my pocket apologising for not having done it sooner or for the size of it. I had no idea how much had just been put in to my pocket but it was another fantastic gesture for which I am extremely grateful, no matter the size of the donation because it is the thought to support me and encourage me on that matters and every donation so far made has brought in over £5,000 when every little gesture is brought together. A fantastic sum that will continue to grow because as I promised this afternoon when given the money I will keep doing this for as long as ever I can. I was asked on the way up the Dumyat how long that was. My answer is simply that we just don’t know but God willing and with all the amazing medical support and encouragement on the challenge it will be for quite some time yet.

A 3 mile walk with Georgie before I started to cook tea which saw some lovely views of the Gargunnock hills, the cloud making tight swirls just above them as the light slowly faded. It was quiet, peaceful, warm and gentle this evening and pleasant as I saw James out playing football with a friend on the park. He looked happy and content. I walked home happy and content.

For tea I cooked a Jamie Oliver Sausage Gnocchi classic stuffed full of sausages and gnocchi of course but also loads of broccoli, green beans, rosemary, fennel seeds, tomatoes and kale which the children loved while telling further stories about some of their high japes when younger in all the various places we had lived. I learned a lot this evening but was also thankful for their company as I laughed at some of their silliness and the memories we all shared. It was important for me to be able to strengthen those memories, happy memories for them and with them to hold on to for the future.

Have a lovely evening. An exciting day tomorrow.

The challenge in numbers total since the start:
Days completed: 69
Total Miles Cycled: 394
Total Miles Walked: 296.5
Total Miles Run: 16.6
Total Distance Swum: 150 metres
Total Miles covered under own steam.707.1
Total Height Gained under own steam: 25,837 feet
Mountains Climbed: 5
Hills Climbed: 11
Days of Voluntary Activity: 5.5
Organ tunes learnt and performed: 5
Salmon Caught: 0!
Curling Matches played in: 3
Curling stones placed on the button (the centre of the target): 1
Weight Training Sessions: 5
Aerobic Circuit Sessions: 2
Press Ups: 68
Pull Ups: 18
Sit Ups: 68
People Met and Hands Shaken: 271
Pots of tea shared: 16
Prayers joined on the top of a hill: 2
Prayers joined in the street!: 1
Pills popped: 290
And most important of all – Money Raised as at Day 65 – £5,029.

Considering I started this challenge 9 weeks ago very quietly with no target beyond a fiver, thanks to the brilliant advice from a friend of mine, I am absolutely thrilled and again thank you all. So far that is £77.36 for each and every day that I have managed to find the will and energy to do something worthwhile and my goodness it has been worth it for my peace of mind, for my healing and for the five wonderful charities you are supporting through your generosity. Long may it continue.

Thank you all for your incredible comments and support. Please continue to spread the word.

If you see me around do please give a cheery hello and shake my hand or toot your horn and give a cheery wave to show your support and encourage me on.

Thank you

Yours aye
