Day 9 has been brilliant. I was worried that my last post was a little too honest but when I invited you on my journey warts and all that is absolutely what I meant. My hope is that by being honest about my experiences through treatment, how I have coped with it and how I am managing now I will give hope and inspiration to others on similar journeys. I have been inspired by friends who started their fight with cancer much earlier than I and are still here largely due I am sure to their proactive approach to the battle. I am so very sorry if I shocked or saddened anyone with my post last night. That was not my intention but I hope you can now see the positives that I hope will flow from it. Why??
I walked 10.5 miles today. Achray Water Bridge Circuit, The Brig O’Turk Loop and the 5.5 miles through the Great Trossachs Forest inbetween. No seizures, no tidal ebbs, just a fantastic day surrounded by God’s glorious creation and not a drop of rain!!!!
I also met a number of amazing people today most importantly Mary and Sean who I offered to share my demand responsive transport (DRT bus taxi) with after finishing my walk at the delightful Brig O’Turk Tea Room. Thank you for listening to my story. Sean thank you for sharing your story with me and giving me further hope that my mad cap plan of creating a backup generator in the left side of my brain might actually work. And even better – thank you for the £15.00 donation you made as you left the taxi. Gosh that was astounding. Thank you and I promise your money will get to the charities.
Thank you also to John from Buchanan taxis for organising a DRT taxi at such short notice. Without that my walking plan would have failed for today.
And just to top off today I am heading back to Callander for the awards ceremony for McLaren High School to see my daughter collect an award. Well done Heather. A brilliant day.
The challenge in numbers total since the start:
Days completed: 9
Total Miles Cycled: 9
Total Miles Walked: 45
Total Miles covered under own steam: 54
Total Height Gained under own steam: 3,061 feet
Mountains Climbed: 1
Days of Conservation Activity: 3/4
Organ tunes learnt and performed: 3
People Met and Hands Shaken: 29
Pills popped: 54
Numbers continue to grow slowly!!
If you see me around do please give a cheery hello and shake my hand or toot your horn and give a cheery wave to show your support and encourage me on. Thank you all for your incredible comments and support. Please continue to spread the word.
Thank you
Yours aye